News & BLOG

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Prevent knee pain when cycling

Prevent knee pain when cycling.Cycling and casual bike riding are great ways to get out and get active, allowing you to exercise while exploring your local area. However, there are cases where if you start enthusiastically without the right preparation you can cause...

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November Newsletter

November NewsletterCYCLING AND KNEE PAIN Cycling is great exercise and a wonderful way to explore your local area and bike trails. But too much enthusiasm and not enough preparation can lead to a soft tissue overuse injury caused by the repetitive nature of cycling....

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October Newsletter

October Newsletter So how much exercise should I be doing? The Australian Physiotherapy Association recommends ... Children and adolescents (aged 5-17 years) At least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day. Include activities that...

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September Newsletter

September Newsletter At Graceville Physiotherapy our team is committed to making sure every woman leads an active, healthy and pain-free life, no matter her age or stage in life. We will perform a thorough evaluation of symptoms to get a complete understanding of what...

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August Newsletter

August Newsletter I'm a tradie, how can I look after myself better at work? Given the physical nature of a tradie’s work, it’s important that you go home safe, well and ready for action again the next day. To help you do this, follow a few simple steps: warm up each...

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July Newsletter

July NewsletterFREE PHYSIO FOR KIDS Covid-19 restrictions and lockdowns have impacted many financially.  With this in mind, Graceville Physio has announced a ‘Free Physio for Kids’ program to run over the next 3 months.  Clinic owner Angela Melit is enthusiastic about...

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June Newsletter

June NewsletterMeet our new team member Joni Levine  Joni graduated from the University of Queensland in 2015 with a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (hons.) and has been working in musculoskeletal private practice ever since. This month he completed his Masters of...

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May Newsletter

May NewsletterUpdate from Angela .... It was great to see many of our regular ‘Posture & Strength’ class ladies adapt to our online Zoom classes when the tight social distancing restrictions were in place. Now that restrictions are starting to ease we are please...

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The Benefits of Online Antenatal and Postnatal Classes

The Benefits of Online Antenatal and Postnatal ClassesAre you a new or expectant mother, stressed that you’re not going to have the support you need in isolation? This unprecedented combination of factors can make it seem like the services you need are out of reach,...

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April Newsletter

April Newsletter Naren has some tips for taking care of yourself at home As you all know dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic has altered all of our lives in many ways. These are unchartered waters but at the end of the day if you have taken that step to self-isolate...

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Who Benefits From An Online Physio Consultation?

Who Benefits From An Online Physio Consultation?Telehealth online consultations are great for anyone seeking physiotherapy no matter where you are. That said, they’re especially great for anyone who is living in rural or suburban areas but is unable for whatever...

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March Newsletter

March Newsletter We are here to help you recover after having a baby Pregnancy and childbirth is a time full of change for the Mother's body, meaning the time following childbirth is equally full of change as the Mother's body returns to her new 'normal'.  Recovery...

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February Newsletter

February Newsletter Building Better Bones Our 'Building Better Bones' program includes twice weekly bone loading classes held at Goodlife Gym Graceville under the guidance of our Senior Physio Meredith.  Classes are held Monday and Thursdays between 1 - 2pm. $45 per...