Focus on you
The Pain Slayer team is dedicated to serving the client and we have a strong focus on achieving functional and capacity building outcomes. We work with you to find out what your goals are – both in the short and long run. We also look at what the best way is to supply services that will increase your functional capacity for the long term.
Our programs will also be in line with the goals you work out with your case manager, which may include one-on-one treatments and exercise based sessions in our clinical space, gymnasium and pool. An additional benefit is that we have ample parking and wheelchair access to our main rooms in Graceville.
If your life is enhanced by playing sports we will help you to achieve that. On the other hand, if your life is enhanced by joining a local community group, then our programs will help you to maintain your mobility, balance and movement so that you are able to get the most out of your participation in these groups.
Our programs always come with homework, so that you will have things to do at home that will enhance your outcomes.
Additionally, we are able to accommodate you if you are unable to come into our clinic by seeing you in your home. Our physiotherapists are able to treat and set you up with a program in your home if this is a more suitable option for you. It will include advice on the management of your condition as well as help to teach mobility transfers within the home and outside in the community.
Team approach
We will always liaise with your doctor or other health professionals who are involved in your health management so that all programs work together to enhance your outcome. Our programs are always designed with regards to your future needs and lifestyle.
If you feel that working with an NDIS physiotherapist in Graceville or Brisbane would benefit you, contact us today.