What you can expect from a consultation by one of our Physiotherapists

An initial consultation will take between 30 and 60 minutes. Appointments may take longer depending on the case. We will look at your relevant medical history and listen to any concerns you may have. An assessment will be done to find the cause of your problem. We will diagnose your injury and explain to you the cause, the prognosis, what you need to do and how we can help you achieve your recovery in the shortest period of time. Commence treatment to get you feeling better sooner. Teach you appropriate exercises to maintain your improvement. Advise you the things you need to do to assist in your recovery.

Do I need a referral?

A referral is not necessary to see one of our physiotherapists, however, a medical referral is necessary if your case is being managed by Third Party Insurance, Work Cover, are a Department of Veteran’s Affairs client or claiming through the Medicare EPC program.

Pain Slayers of Graceville Physio

At Graceville Physio we strongly believe everybody deserves to be strong, active and pain free.  Through our consultation we will transform your life with your personalised body fix program.  Ensuring that you get back to doing what you love.

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Can I claim through my private health fund?

If you have private health insurance and have ‘extras’ cover for physiotherapy you are eligible to claim part of your treatment fee. Individual health fund benefits can vary so you are best to check the details of your policy directly with your health fund. We provide on the spot claiming through HICAPS which allows us to claim directly from your health fund. The gap can be paid via cash, credit card and EFTPOS.

Is there onsite parking?

There are two levels of car parking available in the basement of the Graceville Quarter Building. There are a number of designated car parking spaces for physiotherapy patients as well as many general parking spaces available. There is a lift to take you directly from the basement to Level 2 where the practice is located.

Do you run private Pilates sessions as well as group classes?

We hold a number of group Pilates classes throughout the week. The classes are 1 hour in length. Private Pilates session can be arranged on request. These sessions can be 30 minutes, 45 minutes or 1 hour. We also offer Actively Ageing Classes throughout the week. These classes are primarily for the over 50’s and have an emphasis on improving strength, balance, posture and falls prevention. These classes run for 45 minutes. Before joining one of our classes an initial one-on-one session with a physiotherapist is required to ensure we know of any problems that need addressing.

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August Update

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July Update

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