Latest Findings

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Respiratory Physio and OPEP divices

Respiratory Physio and OPEP DevicesRESPIRATORY PHYSIO AND THE USE OF OPEP DEVICES Article by Graceville Physiotherapist Meris Tan   An Aerobika is an oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) device designed to loosen sputum build up in the lungs to aid in...

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LONG COVID and the role of Physiotherapy

The health burden of LONG COVID and the role of Physiotherapy in MDT managementBy Graceville Physiotherapist Matt Fowler The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is considered to be a much weaker, albeit much more contagious, version of the virus[1], but over the next few...

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How To Return To Your Routine Post-Covid

How To Return To Your Routine Post-Covid.Now that your body has fought off the COVID-19 virus, how do you return to your normal routine? Persisting symptoms such post-exertional fatigue and muscle weakness have been reported in a majority of people who have recovered...