News & BLOG

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year   2021 has been quite the year! We are proud to have been able to continue to provide continuity of care for our patients throughout the lockdowns and other covid challenges! We...

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November Newsletter

November NewsletterThe advantages of pre and post surgery physiotherapy By Graceville Physiotherapist Joni Levine Physiotherapists play a crucial role in rehabilitation following various surgeries. No surgery is successful without a comprehensive rehabilitation plan...

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October Newsletter

October NewsletterNeck Pain - causes, symptoms and treatment Neck pain is a common presentation to physiotherapy clinics. Muscles, joints and nerves are different sources of neck pain. This may include muscle tightness or strains, joint sprains and dysfunction, joint...

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September Newsletter

September NewsletterCelebrating Women's Health Week Women's Health Week is all about you and putting your health first. This September, Women's Health Week (6th-10th) is a great reminder to take time out to check in on your health and to keep making postitive changes...

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August Newsletter

August NewsletterCovid 19 - Clinic Update By Angela Melit - Director, Graceville Physiotherapy As you all know dealing with the COVID pandemic has altered all of our lives in many ways. The current outbreak has hit very close to home and we send out our best wishes to...

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July Newsletter

July NewsletterTreatment of Sacroiliac Joint dysfunction (SIJ Pain) By Graceville Physio Molly Cartledge The sacroiliac joint or SIJ sits between the sacrum at the bottom of the spine, and the pelvis. This joint only allows small amounts of movement but is important...

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June Newsletter

June NewsletterRespiratory Physio and how it can help. By Graceville Physio Meg McGrath Respiratory physiotherapy is a relatively unknown area of physio, but not a new one. It has its roots in hospital physio, where physiotherapists traditionally would help with...

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May Newsletter

May NewsletterTreatment of Tennis Elbow By Graceville Physio Joni Levine Tennis elbow is an overuse injury of our forearm muscles that affects the common tendon of these muscles that is situated on the outer part of our elbow. It affects approximately 1-3% of all...

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April Newsletter

April NewsletterGetting older means changes to your body. Keeping active is an essential aspect of healthy ageing. Article by Graceville Physiotherapist Matt Fowler As we age, our bodies undergo several changes that can lead to an overall loss of strength, balance,...

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March Newsletter

March Newsletter Abdominal Separation Pregnancy related abdominal separation has many names – ab separation, diastasis, rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD) and diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (DRAM) to name a few! Essentially it refers to the distance between...

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February Newsletter

February Newsletter The benefits of physiotherapy in the treatment of Jaw pain and TMJ Jaw pain and TMJ can occur due to issues with the associated muscles, ligaments and nerve supply. Common issues in patients who have jaw pain include bruxism (clenching), pain with...

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January Newsletter

January Newsletter Getting set for a healthy and pain free school year! Graceville Physio is offering 'Gap Free Physio for kids' in January 2021 as a way of getting your kids all set for a healthy and pain free school year!  It is a great opportunity for parents to...

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December Newsletter

December Newsletter Is heel pain taking some of the fun out of your holiday break? Many people complain of painful heels and sore aching feet after spending time at the beach. When walking barefoot on a soft surface like sand, some of these tissues can take on more...