March Newsletter

ab - March Newsletter

Abdominal Separation

Pregnancy related abdominal separation has many names – ab separation, diastasis, rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD) and diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (DRAM) to name a few!

Essentially it refers to the distance between the left and right rectus abdominis muscles (the outermost layer of our abdominals) after pregnancy, and unfortunately there is a lot of inaccurate and scary information on the internet about this condition!

In women who have never been pregnant, there is typically a 1.5-2cm gap between the left and right rectus abdominis muscles, so it is normal for there to be some separation or gap between these muscles. Also, at the end of the third trimester, 100% of women will have a widening of this gap – it has to happen to allow for the growth of the baby!

After birth, this gap typically reduces quite a bit in the first eight weeks. In some women, an increased gap or an increased softness in the tissue that spans the gap (called the linea alba) will persist beyond this time, which may require more targeted rehabilitation. In these cases, our physiotherapists trained in Women’s Health can assist you in your post natal recovery.

Our Physiotherapist will assess your current level of abdominal function, how well you control the pressure in your abdomen, which exercises and activities need to be modified to reduce pressure or load on the diastasis, and which exercises will best assist with improving your diastasis.

Our Women’s Health Physio Meredith is available for appointments

Monday – Tuesday – Thursday – Friday

You do not need a referral to book in and we have convenient online bookings at


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Introducing our latest Pain Slayer to join the team, Physiotherapist Matt Fowler

Matt has a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland and has a special interest in Pain Relief using manual therapy to get our clients back into moving with confidence.

Matt has a special interest in treating Neck and Back pain, Hip, Knee and other osteoarthritic pain and Sports Injuries. Matt is also interested in Workplace injuries and assessments and is currently looking after our Bridgestone onsite physiotherapy program. Matt has extra qualifications in Pilates and will lead our evening Clinical Exercise classes on Thursdays.


Worried about bone strength as you age?


Did you know that weight training for osteoporosis can help protect your bones and prevent osteoporosis-related fractures?

Studies show that strength training over a period of time can help prevent bone loss and even help increase bone density.  Whether you have had a diagnosis of osteoporosis, osteopenia or you are just concerned about your bone strength as you age, our ‘Building Better Bones’ program could be the program for you.

Call us on 3278 1186 to book in!

A regular tune up can keep you feeling great!

If you have a chronic or recurring problem such as back or neck pain, niggles when exercising, arthritis or even headaches then a regular ‘Tune-up’ could help.

Most of these problems mentioned repond very well to physio treatment. As a part of this treatment your physio will usually give you self treatment exercises, to help you improve your problem and maintain this improvement.

Unfortunately, spinal problems and arthritic pain can recur and can make your life miserable. If this is the case with you, or someone you know, then regular maintenance treatment are beneficial. Tune-Up sessions will help keep your joints mobile, will release tight muscles and will update your self treatment exercises, so that they are giving you maximum benefit.

Jaw pain physio - March Newsletter

Many patients find that a ‘Tune-up’ session on a regular basis can help keep them feeling good and stop them having repeated acute episodes of pain. It is also more cost effective than having extensive treatment to overcome an acute episode of pain. If you feel you would benefit from regular maintenance treatment, please ring to book a time to see see one of our physiotherapists.

Short on time?   Did you know that we offer 7am appointments Monday-Tuesday-Thursday-Friday. We are also open until 7pm every week night for anyone that needs appointments later in the day!

clinical exercise classes - March Newsletter

If you are injury prone, feel stiff and tight and/or suffer aches and pains, our clinical pilates classes may help!

We run our clinical pilates classes on Tuesday 10am, Wednesday 6pm and Thursday 6pm.  Due to demand we will be offering more class days and times in the near future. If you would like to attend one of our clinical pilates classes please call 3278 1186 for further info.  

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