January Newsletter

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Getting set for a healthy and pain free school year!

Graceville Physio is offering ‘Gap Free Physio for kids in January 2021 as a way of getting your kids all set for a healthy and pain free school year!  It is a great opportunity for parents to get any niggling issues checked out, or address any concerns that often arise as kids grow and develop.  Our physiotherapists can assess your childs posture, in particular the way they carry their school bag and how they sit in their chair at school, as these factors can contribute to back pain. Your child may have an ache or pain that isn’t going away. This is a great opportunity to see one of our physios to get these issues sorted out.  

Our ‘Gap free Physio for Kids’ offer is simple. Call to book an appointment with one of our physios and receive a gap free physio consultation for any of your kids (up to and including 17 year olds).


Here’s to a Healthy and Pain Free 2021!

For many people, the new year is a time to start a new exercise routine. Current physical activity guidelines suggest that we should all be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity physical activity per week, and we would get even more benefit if we could get that up to 300 minutes per week. This should come from a combination of cardio exercise (e.g. hill walking, running, swimming, aerobics, HIIT etc) and weight training, and ideally it should be something you enjoy and can see yourself continuing in the long term!

In the new year we tend to see a lot of overuse and training error injuries – people going too hard too fast and not allowing appropriate recovery between sessions. The key to a successful exercise routine is appropriate load (not too hard or too easy), adequate recovery time and consistency.

It could be worth considering a physical fitness and injury assessment evaluation by one of our physiotherapists to keep yourself healthy and pain-free in 2021. As a part of our assessments we will discuss any important lifestyle factors such as desk postures and exercise activities that may need to be adjusted to help you stay pain free or recover if you are experiencing some pain.

Introducing Physiotherapist Meg McGrath

Introducing our newest Pain Slayer to join our team, Meg McGrath. Meg has a Bachelor of Physiotherapy from the University of Queensland, and is a qualified Sports Trainer. She is avidly interested in treating cardiorespiratory conditions, in particular anything pulmonary. Meg is also especially interested in treating spines, knees, and all things sports related. Meg loves getting to the root of the problem as soon as possible in order to get you out of pain fast.


We offer early and late physio appointments Monday to Friday and we are open on Saturdays.  If you can’t find an appointment through our online bookings simply give us a call on 3278 1186. We will do our best to arrange an appointment to suit your schedule!

Thinking of joining a class in 2021?

We love to see a body in balance! Our clinical exercise team works in a safe environment. Classes are small so we can give you individual attention. Exercise can be modified for most injuries and weaknesses. 


No matter what your age is, exercising regularly and doing the appropriate exercises for you will improve muscle strength and balance. Helping you to keep your independence. Monday 11am, Tuesday & Thursday 9am.


As we get older, it can be easy for our bones to become more frail if we’re not careful. Making sure to keep active and healthy throughout your life can be a great way to prevent this. If you are worried about your bone strength or have had a diagnosis of opteopenia or osteoporosis our twice weekly ‘Bone Loading’ classes could be beneficial. 

Limited spaces available in this physio led class so bookings are essential.  Twice weekly classes held Mondays at 12 noon and Thursdays at 1pm. $45 per class. 

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Our aim is to get you back doing the things you want and need to do, pain free! If you are experiencing pain call today.

Incorporate these simple health tips into your daily life.

GOOD POSTURE … makes you taller, slimmer and look younger! Maintain an upright posture and practice postural awareness exercises at regular intervals throughout the day.

MOVE MORE … If your work or hobby requires you to spend time in a static position take 2 minutes every 30 mintes to move in the opposite direction.

TAKE TIME-OUT DAILY … Vow to disconnect at least once a day. Close your eyes and take 10 deep breaths in your office, or crank up a soothing playlist on your commute home.

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