May Newsletter

What is an Aerobika

This article is relevant to anyone with acute or chronic lung conditions such as COPD, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, cystic fibrosis, and lung infections. It will also benefit anyone with difficulty removing their phlegm.

An Aerobika is an oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) device designed to loosen phlegm build up in the lungs to aid in the clearance of airways. The oscillatory component stimulates vibrations within the airway to dislodge secretions and reduce the viscosity of thick secretions. The PEP component then encourages airflow behind these secretions to help move them up the air passage for excretion. Multiple sources suggest that PEP devices are as effective as traditional postural drainage and percussion therapy for airway clearance [1].

Other than phlegm removal, what else is the Aerobika good for?

Studies have shown that using the Aerobika is an effective method to improve gas exchange, reduce shortness of breath, prevent recurring infections and improve quality of life in patients [2].

Is there a way I can manage my respiratory conditions independently?

Absolutely! An OPEP device (e.g. the Aerobika) can be used at home or on the go. The best part is that it can easily fit into large pockets or purses – they are very compact and lightweight. All you need is to purchase one, see a qualified physiotherapists to learn the correct breathing technique, then you are good to go. A combination of therapies (e.g. ACTs + OPEP) should be used to provide the best outcomes. This makes OPEP devices a cost-effective method for the long term management of respiratory conditions.

[1] Bourbeau, J., McIvor, R. A., Devlin, H. M., & Kaplan, A. (2019). Oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP) device therapy in Canadian respiratory disease management: Review, care gaps and suggestion for use. Canadian Journal of Respiratory, Critical Care, and Sleep Medicine, 3(4), 233-240.

[2] Coppolo, D. P., Schloss, J., Suggett, J. A ., & Mitchell, J. P. (2022). Non-pharmaceutical techniques for obstructive airway clearance focusing on the role of oscillating positive expiratory pressure (OPEP): a narrative review. Pulmonary Therapy, 8, 1-41.

Where can I find out more about respiratory physio and how to use an Aerobika?

Our physiotherapists are qualified at teaching respiratory patients the correct use of the Aerobika in conjunction with the active cycle of breathing technique. We also stock Aerobika devices (A$125). You can purchase the device in the clinic.

If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contact the clinic and our physiotherapy team will be happy to answer any of your queries.


We are pleased to introduce our new remedial massage therapist Mooni with a special ‘Half Price Massage’ special offer for May 2022.  Due to demand we have added extra availability.  Appointments now available 


1pm – 5.30pm

Normally $105 – May special $52.50 

(1 visit per person at this special rate)


3 Common Types of Headaches Explained

Headaches are extremely common, especially in today’s society of high stress environments. Long hours working desk based jobs with high levels of computer use can contribute to the occurance of headaches.

Did you know there are many types of headaches with a range of different causes. Here we explain 3 common types of headches and the techniques used to treat these headache symptoms.

Migraine, Tension and Cervicogenic

Three of the most common headache types are migraine, tension type headache, and cervicogenic (neck related) headache. Whilst these headache types each have a few distinguishing features, they often co-exist meaning the headache sufferer may have signs and symptoms of multiple headache types. 

Migraines are complex and still poorly understood. It is thought that they are related to altered levels of electrical excitability in the brain. Migraine headaches may be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, fatigue and sensitivity to light, sound and smell to name a few. Migraines often have triggers, or things that seem to set them off. These can be related to food or drink (chocolate and red wine are common culprits!), emotional stress or certain smells to name a few (the list is virtually endless). Management of migraines usually requires good medical management, either by your GP or in some cases a neurologist. 

Tension type headaches are caused by excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and head. This tension can be caused by many things such as stress, poor ergonomics or sustained neck and arm positions, increased use of the neck and arms, or weakness of the neck and shoulder muscles. Tension type headaches usually respond well to manual therapy (physiotherapy) to reduce the tension in the affected muscles. It is also critical to determine and address the cause of the tension to prevent recurrence.

Cervicogenic (neck related) headaches occur when there is irritation in the upper levels of the neck, and are usually associated with neck pain (either at rest or with neck movements). Cervicogenic headaches also respond very well to physiotherapy which aims to normalise the way the neck joints move, and address any underlying contributing factors to prevent recurrence.

If you experience headaches then an appointment with one of our physios will help to diagnose, treat and manage headaches effectively.

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