Lymphatic Massage


We are currently unable to offer lymphatic massage therapy, though we hope to have this service available to you soon.

Keep an eye on this page or our Facebook page for the return of this service.


Lymphatic Massage Brisbane

Lymphodema can be a major issue for those who have had breasts removed through surgery for breast cancer especially if the lymph nodes have been removed also. Likewise, those who have had a limb amputated will also suffer the swelling associated with Lymphodema as well as some of our elderly community.

Our massage therapists who have expertise in this area has had years of experience in this area and can also teach you self massage techniques if appropriate for your condition. Specialised lymphatic massage for Lymphodema requires gentle stroking type massage called effleurage. This specialised massage helps to push the fluid from underneath the skin and direct it toward the lymph nodes where the fluid is then returned back to circulation.

Patients with Lymphodema will notice a swelling usually starting in the most distal joint such as the hand or the foot.

It’s important to note that a lymphatic massage isn’t suitable for every client, so please get in touch with us for a chat to make sure this is the right option for you.

Lymphatic Drainage Massage - Lymphatic Drainage

Lymphatic massage is a specialised massage technique done by massage therapists with specific training in that area.

Lymphatic Massage - Lymphatic Drainage

The fluid then accumulates and moves further up the limb until the entire limb is involved. If left unattended the fluid can leak out of the tissues. If this happens the Lymphodema has usually turned into cellulitis. Cellulitis can be life threatening if not treated and tissue death can occur in the affected limb.

It is essential to see a lymphatic massage therapist who can attend to the Lymphodema, fit you for compression garments if necessary and teach you some self massage/management techniques in order for you to maintain as healthy lifestyle as possible.

It is important to note that those patients who have had breast enhancement surgery also require Lymphatic massage after their procedure to maintain healthy tissue in that area.

To book in for a consultation or treatment with one of our experienced lymphatic massage therapists at Graceville Physio, call us on (07) 3278 1186 or make a booking online.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a lymphatic massage good for?

Lymphatic massages are good for increasing the flow of lymphatic fluid, which reduces toxins in your body. This helps strengthen your immune system and fight infections.

How often should you have lymphatic massage?

There is no right number of massages that you should have, as everyone will have different circumstances. Our trained massage therapists can advise how often you should have a lymphatic massage.