Prevention of Injuries in the Industrial Workplace

There are many workplaces that involve their workers performing a lot of physical tasks such as lifting, pushing, pulling, operating pieces of equipment and driving.

For all of these manual tasks, there should be procedures and strategies put in place that can reduce the number of injuries that may occur.


Working Safely in Warehouses & Industrial Workplaces

If your workplace is a place where your employees are required to lift heavy objects, stack shelves or push and pull items, it is essential that they are trained on how to perform these tasks safely.

A trained physiotherapist is able to look at the repetitive tasks that your people need to do and teach them the best way to do these tasks. There is always a safe way to pick something up from off the ground, bending over, reaching for things and so on.

All workers are different so one person may have to perform manual tasks a little differently than another person. Assessing each individual’s movement patterns, history of injuries and how they perform certain tasks is a phyio’s speciality.

There also needs to be a limit to the number of times a person performs a task so that accumulative stressors in the body do not occur.

There should be adequate rest from manual tasks and a variety of tasks helps to ensure that your workers remain pain-free. Constantly performing one task can also lead to boredom which also can lead to injury.

Not only can a physio assess how people are moving and performing these tasks but they can determine any other risks within the workplace. Workbenches may need to be at a certain height, doors may need to be in a certain area etc for the space to be safe. Items on the floor can be a risk if someone falls and of course, wet floors are a hazard as well.

Workers that are involved in performing manual tasks need to have a certain amount of physical strength in order to perform their tasks without risk of injury also. A general program of exercises and stretches to help improve the strength and mobility of your employees could help to lower your injury rates. Endurance can also be a factor in fast-paced environments so cardiovascular fitness may be required for certain jobs.

Corporate Wellness 3 - Prevention of injuries in the Industrial Workplace

Workers who need to operate machinery such as fork lifts or even truck drivers need to be able to have supportive seating so that the load on their lower backs is kept to a minimum. Many drivers of machinery and equipment can end up with chronic back pain from having to sit in uncomfortable seating for long periods of time. Of course there should also be adequate rest breaks to allow the workers bodies to recover from the stress of operating the vehicle / machine also.

Corporate Wellness 10 - Prevention of injuries in the Industrial Workplace

Prevention of Injuries in the Health Workplace

We often think of office workers or manual workers that injure themselves in the workplace but what about your local dentist, physiotherapist or podiatrist?

They too can develop injuries from performing the same task over and over again. It is essential in any workplace to vary the tasks that you do and to strengthen and prepare your body for the tasks that you need to perform.

Dentists often need advice about certain stretches for their upper bodies to avoid accumulating stress in this area, for example.

Physiotherapists who perform a lot of manual massage and hands on work need to be taught how to position themselves well to avoid postural stress particularly in their necks from leaning over patients.

Podiatrists are often sitting on a stool and bending forward over their patients so they need to be able to do this without stress on the body. A trained physiotherapist can recognise all of these individual problems that may arise within this type of workplace also.

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Prevention of Injuries in the Office workplace

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Corporate Wellness

The key is to have someone qualified to assess the workplace, whatever industry it may be in, and assess the individuals in the workplace. From there, an analysis can be made and any changes can then be made to the actual worksite in order to help prevent injuries to your workers.

Then the physiotherapist can design a general plan of exercises and stretches that can help your workforce as a whole. Sometimes some massage therapy can be helpful and boost morale within the team. The physiotherapist can also offer guidance to those employees that may have individual issues that could be helped with certain strategies and exercises.

Our Pain Slayers are experts at developing strategies and plans to assist your workplace in the prevention of injuries. Injuries are expensive and also cost a lot in time lost so, ring a Pain Slayer today.

To organise an assessment on your workplace, to reduce the risk of injuries in your industrial workplace call us on 07 3278 1186.

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