Sciatica Pain Treatment Brisbane

Physio For Sciatica Pain

Sciatica Pain Relief

Long Lasting

No Surgery or Medicines

Acute and Chronic Pain

Effective Sciatica Therapies

Physiotherapy is an effective treatment for sciatica pain that focuses on pain reduction, restoring movement, strengthening weak muscles, and easing tension.

At Graceville Physio, we often see sciatica as a result of pressure on the sciatic nerve. Physiotherapy treatment helps remove the pressure caused by poorly moving spinal joints and any muscular tension in the lower spine that may be present.

We use several techniques to treat sciatica, including:

  • Spinal mobilisations
  • Trigger point therapy
  • Massage therapy
  • Dry needling
  • Stretching any tight muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments
  • Correction and re-education of movement and muscle activity

We also advise you on how to change things in your daily routine to minimise pressure and irritation of the sciatic nerve and provide stretches and exercises to do at home to aid in your recovery.

Benefits of Physiotherapy for Sciatica

Proven and Effective: Physiotherapy is a common and effective treatment for sciatica, with proven techniques that alleviate pain, improve mobility, and speed up recovery. 

Non-Surgical and Safe: No surgery is required, making it a safe option for those who want to avoid the risks and recovery time associated with surgery.

Non-Medical:  Medicine-free approach which is beneficial for people who want to avoid the side effects and dependency risks associated with long-term medication use

Long-Term Relief: Physiotherapy addresses the underlying causes of sciatica by targeting and strengthening the body’s surrounding muscles and improving movement, which helps prevent the pain from coming back

Sciatica Explained

Sciatica is a painful condition that affects the sciatic nerve – the largest nerve in the human body. The sciatic nerve runs from the lower back through the buttocks and down the back of each leg. Sciatica pain occurs when this nerve becomes compressed, inflamed or irritated in some way.

Most people with sciatica experience a burning, shooting or electric-shock type of pain along one side of the body, travelling from the lower back through the buttock, thigh, calf and foot.

While this pain can be relieved and treated, you’ll also need to identify the cause. 

To book sciatica treatment or an initial consultation, call our Brisbane-based clinic on (07) 3278 1186 or book online.

If you are experiencing pain or tingling sensations in your lower back, hips, thighs or legs, you may have sciatica.

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GracevillePhysio Action 12 - (Physio) Sciatica Treatment

What are the symptoms of sciatica?

Sciatica causes nerve pain that usually begins in the lower back and spreads through the buttock on one side and down the leg, occasionally reaching the foot and toes. The pain varies depending on the cause of the sciatic pain. In some cases, it can present as a dull aching or burning sensation, though in others, it can be a sharp, shooting and unbearable pain.

Sensations of tingling, numbness and muscle weakness in the affected leg can also be linked to sciatica.

Other indicators of sciatica may include:

  • Burning or tingling sensations
  • Shooting pain that makes standing difficult
  • Pain in the rear of the leg that becomes worse when in a seated position
  • Numbness, weakness or difficulty moving the leg or foot

Risks of leaving sciatic pain untreated

Any condition affecting the nerves is best suited to prompt treatment to avoid long-term problems.

It is very important to seek treatment if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, as long-term nerve compression can lead to permanent nerve damage and, in severe cases, paralysis of the affected leg

Common causes of sciatica

Lumbar disc herniation

Extrusion of a spinal disc in the lower back compressing the nerve root; also referred to as pinched nerve, slipped disc, bulging disc or protruding disc.

Degenerative disc disease

The discs in the lower back undergo the most motion and are susceptible to wear and tear over time. Excess motion can irritate the sciatic nerve roots.

Spinal stenosis

When the spinal canal narrows, nerve roots may become pinched. This can, at times, be the result of a bone spur.

Lumbar subluxation

An altered position of the vertebra in the lower back may result in the functional loss and nerve irritation.

Other causes

Spinal tumour, infections in or around the lumbar spine, pregnancy, nerve irritation from an adjacent bone or muscle, internal bleeding and injury.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is physio good for sciatica?

Yes, physio can be a great method to relieve sciatica pain, as it can help relieve the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Ongoing physio can also offer longer periods of relief.

How long will sciatica take to heal?

This can depend on the type of sciatica you experience, and the severity of it. An acute episode can last for a week or two, and it is normal to experience some numbness in the area after the pain goes. Chronic sciatica, however, will require more long-term management.

How do I find sciatica treatment near me that works?

We are conveniently located in Brisbane's western suburbs, only 10 km from the CBD. Patients come from all over for lower back pain physiotherapy treatment. We don't guarantee we can fix everyone, but our treatments are safe, non-invasive, and have a long history of success, so the chances we can help are very high.

Find Out More

If you have been diagnosed with sciatica or are experiencing leg pain or tingling sensations in your lower back, hips, thighs or legs, do not hesitate to contact us. 

You can book sciatica treatment with one of our experienced physiotherapists by calling us on (07) 3278 1186 or booking online here.

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