March Newsletter

March Newsletter

March Newsletter Abdominal Separation Pregnancy related abdominal separation has many names – ab separation, diastasis, rectus abdominis diastasis (RAD) and diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles (DRAM) to name a few! Essentially it refers to the distance...
February Newsletter

February Newsletter

February Newsletter The benefits of physiotherapy in the treatment of Jaw pain and TMJ Jaw pain and TMJ can occur due to issues with the associated muscles, ligaments and nerve supply. Common issues in patients who have jaw pain include bruxism (clenching), pain with...
January Newsletter

January Newsletter

January Newsletter Getting set for a healthy and pain free school year! Graceville Physio is offering ‘Gap Free Physio for kids’ in January 2021 as a way of getting your kids all set for a healthy and pain free school year!  It is a great opportunity...
December Newsletter

December Newsletter

December Newsletter Is heel pain taking some of the fun out of your holiday break? Many people complain of painful heels and sore aching feet after spending time at the beach. When walking barefoot on a soft surface like sand, some of these tissues can take on more...
November Newsletter

November Newsletter

November Newsletter CYCLING AND KNEE PAIN Cycling is great exercise and a wonderful way to explore your local area and bike trails. But too much enthusiasm and not enough preparation can lead to a soft tissue overuse injury caused by the repetitive nature of cycling....
October Newsletter

October Newsletter

October Newsletter So how much exercise should I be doing? The Australian Physiotherapy Association recommends … Children and adolescents (aged 5-17 years) At least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous-intensity physical activity per day. Include activities that...