Tight Muscles? Try Myofascial Release Therapy in Brisbane

Myo Fascial Release Explained

The term myofascial release (also known as muscle fascia release) refers to the loosening of fibrous muscle tissue that may be contributing to someone’s pain and dysfunction. These areas of fibrous muscle tissue are commonly referred to as “knots” or “trigger points”. The term myofascial is broken into two parts – “myo”, meaning muscle; and “fascial”, meaning fascia. Fascia is a thick connective tissue that surrounds our muscles. Due to the formation of trigger points, the surrounding fascia can become irritated and cause discomfort.

Myofascial release is a massage technique performed by a trained myofascial release therapist or physiotherapist which works on both the muscle and the fascia, providing pain relief and improved mobility.

Myofascial Release - Tight Muscles? Try Myofascial Release Therapy in Brisbane

The cause of trigger points is varied, including acute muscle injury, poor posture, underuse or overuse. A good way to conceptualise what a trigger point looks like is to imagine that your muscle is a highway, with the lane markings being the muscle fibres. A trigger point is a speed bump in the highway, and physiotherapy treatment aims to flatten out the speed bump.

There are several treatment options that our physiotherapists utilise to perform a myofascial release. These include soft tissue massage and trigger point release, which are both hands-on techniques. We also use a technique called Instrument Assisted Sensory Neuro Modulation, which is commonly referred to as “blading”. Blading is a gentle form of therapy that is often more tolerated than massage or trigger point release. It helps to relieve fascial tension on the muscle via the nervous system. Another treatment option we utilise is dry needling, which can help reduce muscle tension immediately. Our physiotherapists will discuss the best treatment options with you, and will also prescribe home exercises to assist with the myofascial release treatment in clinic.

What Symptoms can Myofacial Release Therapy Help With?

If you’re experiencing any of the conditions below it’s worth booking a physio consultation where we can assess whether this treatment might help you.

Fascial Stretch Therapy - Tight Muscles? Try Myofascial Release Therapy in Brisbane

Fascial pain is often experienced as what we call “deferred pain: eg runners/joggers may get trigger spots in their shin muscles but the problems can be found all the way up the leg into the trunk and sometimes even up to the neck.  Because of this it is important to have a full body analysis so that the Myofascia can be fully released.

Fascial Tissue Adhesions - Tight Muscles? Try Myofascial Release Therapy in Brisbane

What Causes Fascial Pain?

The pain felt in your muscles is caused by tight fascia.  The fascia part of the Myofascia is the fibrous tissue that surrounds all of the muscles. It also surrounds organs. Its function is to ensure that the muscles can glide over other tissues such as bone during normal movement.  Poor posture can cause stress in certain areas making the fascia become dry due to reduced circulation to the area. Injuries can also cause adhesions in the fascia meaning that there is a lack of gliding of the tissues.

When we wake up in the morning we might feel the need to stretch as we feel a bit stiff. This is also due to the dehydration of the fascia so there is less gliding. Therefore it is very important that we rehydrate every morning and move our bodies to improve the glide of the fascia.

What is the best treatment?

We know that it takes a significant amount of pressure to release tight fascia.

The myofascial release technique we’ve found gets the best results is  IASNM: Instrument Assisted Sensory Neuro Modulation. It is a gentle technique that is not painful and uses a different approach to reducing adhesions in the fascial tissue.

Key Benefits of Myofascial Release Treatment

  • Reduces tension in the muscles and in the fascia around the muscles
  • Improves joint movement
  • Reduces Muscle Spasms
  • Can Assist with Breathing
  • Helps to reduce chronic pain

Because it is gentle it is suitable for those with Fibromyalgia. We have been using this technique combined with Lymphatic Drainage with some great results especially with regards to pain relief for sufferers of Fibromyalgia.

So a myo fascial massage is a Pain Slaying technique that is not so painful to administer. This is great news if you live in Brisbane and suffer from Fibromyalgia or have ongoing pain following activity or sport or postural problems accumulating in pain. For more information get in touch with our clinic today

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