Neck Tek

Neck Tek

Great for neck issues relating to prolonged smartphone use

Is Technology Causing Us All a Pain In The Neck?

Is Technology Causing Us All a Pain In The Neck?

Is Technology Causing Us All a Pain In The Neck? Technology can cause neck pain. In some countries where they are very techno savvy, you can see everybody on a train or bus looking down at their smart  phone. No matter what age they are they are all staring at...
May Newsletter

May Newsletter

May Newsletter Update from Angela …. It was great to see many of our regular ‘Posture & Strength’ class ladies adapt to our online Zoom classes when the tight social distancing restrictions were in place. Now that restrictions are starting to...

Prevention of Injuries in the Workplace of sedentary workers

Prevention of Injuries in the Workplace of sedentary workers We see a lot of people coming into the practice who’s injuries have been prevented with a few easy steps. From a business owner’s or employers’ point of view, it’s important to try...

Prevention of Injuries in the Office workplace

Prevention of Injuries in the Office workplace In our physiotherapy practice, we see a lot of people with injuries that could have been prevented with some easy steps. From a business point of view, it is important to try and prevent injuries from happening as it...